Our modern age has allowed us to try some things that were impossible just 20 years ago and even 10 years ago. Moving from city to city, working on your laptop was not really a possibility for most people 20 years ago and even 10 years ago, it was a chore with slow internet and Read More

Often described as the land of wonders, Asia is the perfect choice for all those who want to work while traveling. There aren’t a lot of places on Earth where you can experience so many different cultures and traditions, as well as wonderful food, at the same time. Therefore, for all you digital nomads who Read More

Living in the Most Expensive Place in America – Silicon Valley
DIGITAL NOMAD LIFEThe San Francisco Bay Area is one of the most expensive places to live in, and the reason for that is its southern part – Silicon Valley. Home to all of your favorite companies, including Apple, Facebook, and Google, this area has been the center of all technology and innovation for many years. However, living Read More

ckily for all of us who love to travel, there are constantly new gadgets that make our travels more convenient. These help us organize, solve some of the most annoying traveling problems, and make us feel safer when we are thousands of miles away from our homes. If you are on a lookout for good Read More

Saying that there’s everything online now is just like saying that water is wet. Of course that we can find everything online, from various offers like the Portuguese Código Bónus Betclic to podcasts in every language one may think of! Podcasts have become very popular nowadays, and for a good reason – really. There are Read More

What would you say if somebody told you that you can work only 4 hours a week and earn a five-figure income every month? Probably that such a thing is impossible. Well, it isn’t according to Tim Ferris and his bestseller The 4-Hour Workweek. And this does sound interesting – because primarily we used to Read More

As a digital nomad, you travel from place to place with all your important possessions. Therefore, you have to choose carefully what you bring with you. Your luggage should consist of only the things that serve you and nothing more. If you are not sure which mobile devices you should bring with you, take a Read More

Technology has permeated all pores of our life and changed it forever. We can hardly imagine going back the way we used to live a hundred years ago because it was so different. When computers and the Internet became more developed, we took a significant chunk of our lives and transferred it online, so that Read More

Some people just do not work well with routines, like sleeping in the same bed for years on end or going to the same workplace. Some people just want more out of life, and the Internet has made that a possibility for them. Digital nomads have been around for a couple of decades and it Read More